Furniture Feature Friday Link Party & A Confession

Hello, ladies! It's time for my favorite post of the week...Furniture Feature Friday! This is where I feature a favorite furniture find from blog land and where you can link up to show off your furniture makeovers, thrifty finds, curbside saves, arrangements, or treasured pieces.

Before I get to the feature, I have a confession to make (and I'm generally not this wordy, so I apologize in advance.) I got caught up in the numbers of this blog party and encouraged people to post anything and everything household related. I thought the more the merrier and felt that furniture only posts might be too restrictive. Someone (ahem, you know who you are) rightly pointed out that this party was about featuring furniture and she enjoyed that it didn't include crafts and other projects. I appreciate that she pointed that out, because she's right. So, even if only 2 of us are out in our garage refinishing furniture the week before Christmas, this party is and shall evermore be about furniture. If you want to participate, but you don't paint several pieces of furniture a week (like I generally do), then share your favorite piece of furniture, a great thrift store find, a unique arrangement in your home, or even a piece of furniture that's on your wish list. Since Christmas is a week away, you could share how you rearranged your furniture to make room for your tree or how you dressed your furniture up for the holidays! Anything furniture related is game. There are so many other wonderful parties where you can share your crafty creations (and I participate in those as well), but this will be the party to come to show off your furniture and get some inspiration. Blah, blah...on to the feature.

The Feature

I'm sure all of you know Rhoda from Southern Hospitality. Hers is one of the very first blogs I found and followed. I love her graceful, sophisticated and homey style. A few days ago, she posted a couple of her favorite pieces of furniture. I thought they were gorgeous and wanted to share them with you, in case you missed them.

Isn't this pie crust occasional table lovely? The claw & ball feet are a great detail and I love the raised trim edging the table top. The wood also has an amazing patina. Can you believe she found this at a yard sale for $75?! Way to go, Rhoda!

She also shared her most favorite piece, this antique French buffet. It is such a unique and functional piece and I don't blame her for never wanting to part with it. Don't you just love the way she arranged it, as well? I get so stuck in symmetry, but this asymmetrical arrangement is much more interesting. Rhoda offers design services, so contact her if you need some help in your home! Thanks for being such a great inspiration to us all.

The Party:

Here are the rules to participate:

1.) Your post has to be about furniture. You can share makeovers, thrifty finds, favorite furniture pieces, great arrangements, or pieces on your wish list. In case you missed my suggestion above, you can share how you rearranged your furniture to make room for you Christmas tree or how you decorated your furniture for Christmas!
2.) Post a permalink, not the link to your blog.
3.) The link party closes Saturday (I'm extending it for a day) at midnight PST and I will choose my favorite and write a full feature about their blog (sorry, no giveaway this week!)

Miss Mustard Seed