This week I am saluting the crazy, gutsy, fearless ladies who walked the line between stupidity and genius and proved everyone wrong who scoffed at them along the way. I tip my hat to these gals.
Suzanne from Meridian Road bought this piece off of Craig's List and turned it into...
...this. Whew! Amazing job!
Joining the ranks of the crazy brilliant is Lexi's Mommy from Paper Flower Drive. She took this nasty love seat, with beautiful lines, and turned it into...
...a bench! This is so original and it looks fantastic. I'm really impressed.
The last certifiable DIYer is Lindy from Cottage Hill. Can you believe that this elegant, curvy, and timeless headboard is made out of plywood. Plywood!! You just can't make really pretty things out of plywood, but she did.
Thank you, ladies, for showing me what a chicken I am and I mean that in the best way.
Take some time to mingle around the party and I'm sure you'll be inspired. I am every week.
1.) Your post has to be about furniture. Please, please, please...just furniture. If you find your link has been deleted, it's not because I'm mean, it's because your post was not about furniture. You can share makeovers, awesome finds, favorite pieces, furniture arrangements, or even pieces on your wish list! Built-in furniture like kitchen cabinets and bathroom vanities qualify as furniture.
2.) Post a permalink (the link to the post), not the link to your blog.
3.) The link party closes Friday at midnight PST and I will choose my favorite(s) and feature their project on next week's FFF.