So, are you sick of seeing all of the things I've been working on to take to the Lucketts Fair? If so, you may want to stop reading my blog for a couple of weeks, because that's all that's happening around here, lately.
Anyway, I found this...trophy? Urn? Thingy with a bird on top? the jack pot yard sale last Saturday. It's hard to say how much I paid for it, because I bought everything in one big heap. This is an aluminum piece and was in sad shape, but I love the lines of this piece, so I took a chance on it. A layer of silver leaf and some antiquing glaze gave it a new lease on life.
Isn't this bird on the lid so sweet?
I also cleaned and painted this shutter in a "chippy" blue/grey and hung a moss wreath from upholstery webbing on it. All of these components were things I had hanging around the house and they seemed to work together.
Shhh...this wire cloche is not an antique. I don't think the Lucketts Fair police are going to arrive in their golf carts, strip me of my apron, and ban me from the festivities, though. I bought this bird at Hobby Lobby a few months ago and it seemed to fit with my "look", so I tagged it and it's coming along.
I made a few of these nests to tuck into bowls and under cloches to give my booth a more "lived in" look, which is hard to do under a 10x10 tent in a field, but I'm gonna try!
This entire process has been...therapeutic for me. I've had some professional doors closed recently and I now feel like an entire wall of windows is flying open. I am watching my style come together with each piece I add to the pile. It's like I've been given a creative adrenaline shot and I can hardly keep up with my ideas. I can't wait to share all of these events and ideas with you when things settle down. Please, please pray for sunny skies, large crowds, and customers who love my stuff and have to buy it. Those who have done these kind of shows know the prayer.