You may think, "Miss Mustard Seed hasn't posted since Lucketts. She must be getting some rest." And you would think you were right, but you're not.
I've been cleaning my house, sewing cushion covers for a special project, and pulling my hair out trying to get some of the Lucketts video to work for you. My camera doesn't like Vista, my laptop needs a four prong firewire cable and Staples only has a nine, I don't have codecs on my computer and couldn't find the right ones to download. I'm ready to pull my hair out. It's almost 11:00 pm, but we hung in there and got it to work.
So, at long last, here is the first installment of my Lucketts video. It's about 12 minutes, so hang in there with me. Get a beverage and a snack and enjoy the show!