Nests are all the rage right now. They are so symbolic of new life, protecting your family, and creating a comfortable environment. Until now, I never really thought about the aspect that a nest is made entirely by the occupants and entirely out of found materials. I've found nests before with gum wrappers tucked in. When I was a little girl, my mom would trim my hair and we would throw my hair in the yard for the birds to use. Our feathered friends don't hire contractors or go to Lowes; they recycle with nature's litter (and sometimes ours) and toil to make something they are pleased with. It's really remarkable.
In addition to all of these deeper subliminal messages, nest are just pretty. They provide great texture and are a stylish way to bring the outdoors in. Finding a wild nest is not the easiest thing and one certainly doesn't want to evict a family of swallows for the sake of home decor, so the best option is to make one.
You can find pre-made nests at craft stores, but they always look dinky and machine made. Here's a simple way to make one that looks much more natural. Start with a small grapevine wreath. I found this one at a yard sale for $.50, but you can get them at any craft store.
Cut the vine that wraps around the wreath to hold it together and remove. Use your fingers to gently pull the wreath apart. I'm using this one in a glass hurricane, so I pulled it out vertically, but the idea is to loosen it up and make the shape more "nest like."
Tuck a handful of moss inside the grapevine wreath. I use American Moss, purchased from Hobby Lobby. It looks grassy and has a nice texture for a nest.
Shape it into the wreath, making a spot in the center for eggs.
I fill my nests with either real eggs (with the yolk and white blown out), ceramic eggs, or some blue decorative eggs I found at Easter.
These are ceramic eggs I purchased from Hobby Lobby for $1.33/each and they look very real.
So, for just a few dollars and a few minutes, you can bring some nature into your home in a way other than a house plant. And the best part is you don't have to water it.