I just primed five pieces of furniture, sanded three doors, installed some hardware, glazed a chair...and the list goes on and on. It's nuts, my finger nails look dirty 24/7, and I'm tired.
Here are some of the things I've completed over the past week.
I bought this dresser almost a year ago at Goodwill and it's been sitting in my basement. I love the lines of this piece, so I'm not sure why I've neglected it for so long, but I'm glad I finally finished it and I'm hoping the right buyer comes to Lucketts to give it a good home.
I refinished the top in its natural wood tone and painted the base in a chippy grayish blue over white.
Distressing, an antique glaze, wipe on poly, and glass knobs finish it off.
I also hand painted this "Haystone Manor Farm" sign. It is so tempting to keep this one, but I know I can recreate it for myself sometime down the road, so it's going in the van to Lucketts.
I am pretty proud of myself for how deep I am digging into my own stash for things to sell. I love these little pedestals with glass cloches, but they've been tucked in a cabinet for a few months, so it's time to let them go.
...and I'm even selling some of my Bakelite collection. Gasp!
I've been thinking through my booth display a lot this week and have been planning ways to use nests, greenery, moss, fruit and flowers to enhance all of my antiques and hand made items. I nestled a bird's nest into the calf muzzle I bought in Florida this summer to show a creative use for a piece of retired farm gear. I think an odd piece, like this one, has a better chance of selling if people can picture how it can be used as home decor.
So, the stuff is piling up and everything is getting tallied and tagged.
If you're very observant, you may have noticed my tags say "Mustard Seed Interiors" not "Mustard Seed Creations." Mmmm...what in the world am I up to, now?
More on that later...