...let this one go.
I've been working almost non-stop to get ready for the Lucketts Fair and today I had a rare thing...hours during the day to get uninterrupted work done. My mom offered to pay for me to hire a babysitter, so I could get work done. Thank the Lord for mothers, more specifically, my mother. So, I took her up on the offer before she even finished her sentence. Today, I had six hours of painting, sanding, staining and cleaning. I'm tired, but it was awesome. This "fresh berries" sign is one of the things I completed today. It started out as a dry, dirty door. I stained it, painted the lettering, distressed it, and then sealed it.
I had every intention of painting this to take to Lucketts with me, but...I don't know if I have the strength. I love it. I mean really, really l-o-v-e it.
I know I can always paint another one, but not on this great paneling, with these great strap hinges, and the size is perfect. It is all around yumminess.
Oh...decisions, decisions. Will it stay in my home or end up for sale?