Almost everything is tagged and tallied. The van is packed. The weather forecast is amazing. All of the planning and hard work will finally be rewarded...or will it?
Now that the Lucketts Fair is at my door step, I'm feeling a little fearful. What if people don't buy my stuff? Are the prices too high? Too low? What if people coming to meet "Miss Mustard Seed" are disappointed when they see me in person? Will my booth look as good as I picture it in my head?
This is not the first antique fair I've done, but it is a little different from the others I've gone to as a vendor. I'm doing this one by myself. I've always gone with a partner, so success of the booth wasn't entirely on my shoulders. Flying solo is pushing me creatively and professionally, but it's also a greater risk. My booth will be a reflection of me. Just me. And if people don't like my booth and the things I've created, found, cleaned, tagged, packed, and arranged it will be hard to not take that personally. I'm really putting myself out there and the end result is unknown.
I'm sure every antique dealer, shop owner, and artist feels these same emotions at some time or another. I'm sure everyone who takes a personal risk feels these same things, for that matter.
However, I may be on my own, but I won't be alone. My greatest cheerleader, supporter and investor flew in late last night to help me pack, set up, and work my booth. Her name tag will read, "Miss Mustard Seed's Mom." I also have the best support team at home. My husband has fixed all sorts of hopeless pieces of furniture for me to paint. He will be caring for our boys while I work, so I don't have to give them a second thought. My dad tinkered and fixed my lamps, a wagon, a bench, and other things that had me stumped. There are many amazing people behind me, Marian, to make me all that "Miss Mustard Seed" is.
So, I'm going to take the step...the leap. I'm not alone and I won't be afraid.

PS - For those who usually stop by for Furniture Feature Friday, we won't be having it this week. I'm a little too busy!