As most of you know, I have been a busy girl making things for Lucketts, for my new booth, for clients and writing tutorials for, so my poor house has been neglected. I'm ashamed to say that there were a few weeks where I hardly cleaned the place. (I did clean my bathrooms, but the dust, the carpets and the floors were a disgrace!) I finally got caught up with my cleaning and I mopped the floors, shampooed the carpets and cleaned every room head to toe. Now, I'm feeling the itch for some "me" time. Some girls want to go shoe shopping, read a novel or get a message. I want to work on my house.
I still have a huge business to-do list, but I snuck about an hour of time for myself and finally made a cover for the pillow form that's been sitting on my living room sofa.
The pillow form didn't look hideous, but I was ready for something cute. I hit up my fabric stash and had just enough of a fabulous (and expensive) blue and white remnant that I had leftover from a client project. I used another blue checked remnant to make a mini-pleated trim. I used the same technique as the pillow in my guest room, so you can follow that tutorial if you're interested in replicating this look.
This small project has motivated me to carve out some time to finish my living room, so I can finally show it off.
Of course, my two year old did a face plant on it after eating goldfish, so it was stain-free for less than 24 hours, but such is life with toddlers!
I was able to get a few things back in order in my guest room as well, so I'll be showing that this week. It's amazing how a few small changes can make a room feel very different.
Now, back to work on stuff for my booth and other people... least I love what I do!

Click here for more information on the needlepoint pillows.