I hit the right Goodwill at the right moment on the right day. The Goodwill store in Westminster, MD is big and always has a lot of cool stuff, but it can be a little pricey sometimes. Today, they were overloaded with furniture and almost every employee looked like a college student who didn't care about fetching a high price on something "old." So, I scored a bunch of really great things for a song. I got this chair...
...a vintage wooden rocking horse (that I'm going to paint to look more sophisticated)...
...a ratty, but not stinky, ottoman...
...and an amazing antique china cabinet, which I have not snapped a photo of, yet. I also got some silver and three Pyrex bowls. It was a jackpot for someone like me.
We also hit Lowes and I found a couple of goodies there as well. I needed some more drop cloths to make slipcovers, so I grabbed the usual 8 oz Finish Factor canvas cloths. I realized when I got home that they are cream! I don't have to bleach them! I wonder if drop cloth manufacturers have read my blog and decided to save poor, crazy, little Miss Mustard Seed from having to bleach their product.
I also found the latest issue of Country French magazine. Oh, sweet mother of all that is inspiring and drool inducing. Yum.
And there's no rest for the weary. I have been reorganizing my office. I finally got sick of climbing a mountain of stuff and wading through fabric and shopping bags every time I needed to find something. I threw away the notion of having a pretty office and bought three commercial wire shelving units and loads of plastic storage bins. This place won't be pretty, but darn it, it's going to be functional and I won't have to buy a new pack of Sharpie markers every time I need one and can't find one. Can I get an "amen"?
All of my decorating and resource books are now visible and easy to reach.
Believe it or not, I have gotten some rest. Hubby let me sleep in this morning and we had a nice lunch together to celebrate our success at Lucketts. I also haven't painted anything in a week!
Next week, I'm hoping to put some things up for sale that didn't sell at Lucketts, work on my first video tutorial, and post some small and simple projects. We'll also resume FFF, so stay tuned!