I am still playing catch up from Lucketts AND I've had loads of new requests for custom pieces, so there is no rest for the weary. There is a lot of cool things happening to me and my little business and I can't wait to blog all about it.
Sorry for the cliffhanger, but all I have to share today is more pictures from Lucketts. My booth was very picked over at the end of the first day, so I had to dig deep and bring some things from home.
I brought one of my favorite balances...and it sold...
...the side chair from my guest room...and it sold...
...a mirrored end table that I refinished Saturday night...and it sold...
...my living room mirror and sheet music wreath....and...you guessed it....they sold.
It was a great weekend and worth the Saturday night scramble. I also got to meet so many awesome ladies. Here are the ones I snapped a picture with...
I instantly liked Minky Moo from Dial M for Minky. She is so sweet and a riot. I would love to hang out with this girl. She bought my ashtray lamp with the glitter butterfly perched on it. She was starstruck by me, but did you know she was in a diet Snapple commercial?! I just peddle junk. Who's the real star, here?
I loved spending time with Leslie from Farm Fresh Fun and her adorable kids! She has invited me to root through an old barn on her property and help her think through some decorating choices in her 200 year old farmhouse. Ummm...yeah. That's my kind of fun.
And Katie and her sweet family were such a delight. She had three kids with her in my booth and not one thing was broken or out of place when they left. She sent this picture along to me to share.
I've already mentioned Holly from Roller Coaster Life and you got to meet her in the video. She spent almost an hour hanging out with us and was so much fun. My booth neighbors on one side crowded in a little bit and didn't price anything, so we were bugged all day with people asking for prices on their stuff. Holly was ready to jump in and rectify the situation for me! She restrained herself, but I appreciated the protective instinct coming out on my behalf.
More video, pictures, and new things coming soon.

PS - Someone asked about my necklace. It's actually a vintage piece that I found in my grandmother's attic. It is one of my favorite pieces of jewelry.