I thought I'd pick up where I left off and continue with installments of "Favorite Images from my Favorite Blogs." I started this feature because I realized that as a blogger, I rarely had the time to peruse the blogs that inspired me to start blogging, or that I'd discovered while blogging. I hope you enjoy and that it ads a little brightness to your holiday weekend!...
(blogs featured in no particular order)
To begin, images from
Pink Wallpaper
...no words...

again, no words...

I really like this chair - which I think is from Anthropologie...but I just don't know if I'd have the discipline to keep everything else in the room complementary
Next, a newly discovered blog for me-
Loftlife Magazine
Liking the touches of glamour pared down with clean lines in this bedroom

Have you ever tried arranging your books by color like on this shelf?
Last but not least,
Deco & Design

All these images are so serene...
Hope you enjoyed these and have a great holiday weekend!