Sheet Music Spheres

I had a few people ask how I made my sheet music spheres, so I thought a tutorial was in order.  This is a super easy project and one that is perfect to get your older kids involved in.  Older kids = kids past the point of using safety scissors and eating paste. 

Here's what you need: Mod Podge, sheet music, foam balls (or I used old baseballs and softballs for some I made), a brush, scissors or a paper cutter. 

Cut the sheet music into strips. ( This is a great project to use printed sheet music off the Internet if you don't have the real deal sitting around.  You can always antique the finish once the Mod Podge dries.)  Any pretty paper can be used for this project, as long as it's thin enough to work with.  Think wrapping paper, copies of old letters, stamps, maps, etc.  I just fancy sheet music, as you all know!

Brush a liberal amount of Mod Podge onto the ball  and stick a piece of sheet music onto the paste. 

Brush Mod Podge over the top of the paper and smooth over the ball with your fingers.  This is a messy project, so just be prepared!  Continue this process until the entire ball is covered in paper.

Allow ample time to dry and then use them to fill a bowl, platter, etc.  This is a very cheap, easy, trash-to-treasure kind of a project that will result in a hand made accessory for your home. 

Speaking of Mod Podge, I just have to give a shout-out to my friend Amy Anderson over at Mod Podge Rocks.  She sent me a huge (and I mean really huge) box of paints, Mod Podge, tools, and goodies to get creative with.  It was a great surprise and really got the wheels turning.  If you ever have a strong, insatiable desire to make something using Mod Podge, but you don't know what, check out her blog for ideas gathered from all over the Internet. 

Miss Mustard Seed