A Lesson Learned & a Lamp

My latest lamp makeover (well, re-makeover) is a great reminder that I have to love what I make. 

When I first got this lamp, it looked like a hunk of butcher block that was turned into a lamp.  It was well made, but just sort of weird. When my business was dubbed as a" decorative painting and mural business", I felt like I had to paint everything and add decorative painting to everything, which meant that I forced a lot of decorative painting where it just didn't work.    So, I painted this lamp white and then painted circles in different colors along the front side of it. 

It sat unsold  in the shop for over a year and I wasn't proud of it.  It wasn't bad, but it wasn't me and I would never have it in my own home.  I knew this lamp had potential, so I took it home and started over.  My business is now an "antiques and home decor business", so I don't feel boxed it.  I can just go with my gut. 

Some French sheet music and a velvet ribbon trim added to the shade was just what it needed.  Now, I'm proud of it.  Now, I would have it in my home.  Now, it's me. 

This lamp is a reminder for me to stay true to my style.   And, you know what?  It already sold. 

Have you ever given something a makeover and then realized it didn't represent your taste at all?  Did you pitch it or give it a re-makeover? 

Miss Mustard Seed