Miss Mustard Seed Needs Your Vote!!

No, I'm not running for an elected office...  

I entered my 1940's bathroom in the True Value SOS Contest a few weeks ago.  Here's my entry video, in case you missed it the first time. 

(For those who can't see videos, here's the summary...pink plastic tile, builder grade 1940's fixtures, a ballet bar and a window with a view of plywood.)

Well, guess what?  I am a top ten finalist!!  I am so excited and I can totally visualize what this bathroom can look like with $2500.  Here's what I have in mind...

(Again, a summary...new everything, 3/4 height bead board, mosaic tile floor, watery blues and bright whites.  Loveliness.)
Sorry for the lousy editing.  My boys kept interrupting and we had limited time to shoot today. 

Can you help me win this?  Blog, tweet, post about it on Face Book and send it to your friends.  You can vote once a day until November 5, so I will be a bit of a pest about it until then.  It won't take much time and it would be so huge for me.  Remember, you'll be with me through every step of the makeover, so vote daily!

Click HERE to vote now!

Another exciting thing happened today...I got to hang out with Karen (The Graphics Fairy) and we clicked immediately.  We spent about two hours chatting it up while my kiddos played on the playground and ate macaroni and cheese.  We are joining forces on an upcoming event that I'll share about, soon!

Miss Mustard Seed