A day off & a final push

I spent my entire day yesterday at an "Adventure Farm" in Lancaster, PA, which is perhaps one of the prettiest, yet stinkiest areas in the country.  As most of you know, my husband is a youth pastor, so we took a bunch of teenagers to go through a maize maze, slide down a hill on potato sacks, and ride through a hay race course on pedal cars.  My boys had a blast and we were all tired when we got home.  I didn't get anything on my list accomplished and I didn't write a blog post and I'm ok with that.  Well, I did get one thing checked off the list.  I'm making a pumpkin topiary for HGTV.com and I needed some pumpkins.  When I saw the sign, "Fill a wagon for $10.", I knew I would be set. 

So, this afternoon is all about pricing, making a pillow for the French settee and making more sheet music wreath ornaments and tree toppers. And football (Go Skins!) and apple pie.  I'm taking everything to the shop tomorrow to set up for Christmas and the next barn show at Chartreuse. 

Miss Mustard Seed

Once more, don't forget to vote for my bathroom makeover from True Value.  Click HERE to vote!