Eco Natural Soap Giveaway!

I have another giveaway for you this week!  I recently learned about a new all-natural soap made by Alicia and Alan of Eco Natural Soap.  Now, let me say, I am not a "greenie" at all and I am only in favor of using an "eco" product if it works just as well or better than one that was cooked up in a lab. 

I was skeptical of this soap.  If it's not better than Dove, I'm not going to use it. 

Well, I have to say...I've been using one of their soaps to wash my face every night for a few weeks and I absolutely love it.  The complexion bar, although it makes you smell a little like a Christmas tree, makes your skin feel amazing.  It can also diminish the appearance of age spots, cellulite and other imperfections in the skin. Of course, I have non of those, so I don't know if it really works.  Just kidding.  What non-airbrushed, real human being doesn't have imperfections? I'll take smelling (a little) like a pine tree for amazing skin. 

Alan and Alicia have agreed to offer one of my readers their choice of two soaps and one balm for free! 

Here's how to enter:
Visit Eco Natural Soap and review their products.  Come back here and leave a comment, telling me which balm and two soaps you would like to try.  That's it!  The giveaway will run through midnight EST on Friday, October 22.  Good luck to everyone!

I've been a busy girl today making ornaments for my Christmas 2010 line.  I am so excited how it's all coming together and I can't wait to share it all.  I think my Christmas tree is going to go up in October, just so I can get photos of the ornaments, stockings, banners, and decor before I have to take them to the shop and barn.  I'm learning that the holidays start very early when you're in retail.  Here's a sneak peek of one the ornaments...

What is that girl up to?

Miss Mustard Seed