The Jackpot

I bought a French chair at a yard sale a few weeks ago and the gentleman I bought it from mentioned having an entire storage unit full of his mother's furniture, much of it French provincial in style.  HELLO!  I handed him a business card and held my breath.  He called and we scheduled a time to meet at the storage facility to see if we could make a deal.  We had to reschedule twice due to rain, but we finally met last Thursday.  I was not disappointed. 

I bought this beautiful French settee... antique chest of drawers...

...a small Bombay chest...

...a pair of French chairs (Don't even ask to buy these chairs.  They are mine.) 

...and a small empire shelf, a pair of nightstands, and a couple of luggage racks. I didn't drive off with any crazy steals (like a truck load of antique doors and furniture for $23), but we were both happy with the deals we made on the pieces of furniture. He had more space in his storage unit and I had a load of goodies to work on.

I started working on the settee tonight, so I can have it ready for the next Chartreuse tag sale.  I'm also working tirelessly on my line of ornaments and Christmas decor.  It'll be another late night. 

Some exciting very first tutorials are live on  You can get step-by-step instructions on how to make Grain Sack Bar Stool Cushions and Chalkboard Canisters for your kitchen.  These are not the run-of-the-mill chalkboard canisters, either.  If you ever want to check out my articles or tutorials, you will find them on my side bar in a list with links to all of them.  I just turned in four other projects and I have nine more on the way!  Can someone pinch me?

Miss Mustard Seed

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