Furniture Feature Friday - Favorites & A Link Party

I'm sorry about my linky flub last week.  My bad.  Anyway, I've got it sorted out for this week. 

I got a lot of great inspiration from your posts last week and I'm looking forward to what you have to share this week.  Here are some standouts for me from last Friday:

Stacy from Red Door Home found these amazing chairs at an antique shop.  Aren't they super cool?  I don't even mind the orange.  Love these, Stacy.  What a great find!

Sarah from Diddle Dumpling turned an old desk into an awesome kitchen island.  Clever girl!  I love the paint color and finish and, of course, the glass knobs. 

Suesan from Frou-fru-gal made this incredible ancestral map settee that was a true labor of love.  This is so creative, resourceful and really unique.  Wonderful job, Suesan!  I tip my hat to your skill and patience!

Thanks to all who linked up and I look forward to the party tonight.  I have a great giveaway tomorrow, so make sure you come back!

Here are the rules for this get together...
1.) Your post has to be about furniture.  Please, please, please...just furniture.  If you find your link has been deleted, it's not because I'm mean, it's because your post was not about furniture.  You can share makeovers, awesome finds, favorite pieces, furniture arrangements, or even pieces on your wish list!  Built-in furniture like kitchen cabinets and bathroom vanities qualify as furniture.  
2.) Post a permalink (the link to the post), not the link to your blog.
3.) The link party closes Friday at midnight PST and I will choose my favorite(s) and feature their piece on next week's FFF.