Are you ready to wax?

We're not talking about eyebrows and furry upper lips, here.  No torture for beauty or blotchy skin.  Just beautifully finished furniture with the perfect amount of shine. 

It took me a while to "get" waxes.  It seemed labor intensive and unnecessary.  I just didn't know the right way to use it and use it to my advantage. 

The down side to working with oil based products is the cleanup.  I don't do mineral spirits.  I'm just scared of things that I can't put down the drain.  So, I use a water-based, non-toxic product to wash the wax out of my brush. 

I pour a small amount in a disposable bowl or cup...

...swish the brush around in the solution for about a minute...

...then shampoo the brush with soap and water.  If any oily residue remains, it goes for another dip in the Krud Kutter pool. 

One final shampoo and rinsing follows.  

Shake the excess water from the brush and allow it to dry.

It may seem like this post should be last in the series, but I don't want to show you how to wax a piece of furniture, you go do it and then you don't have a product in your house that will clean your brush.  I'm saving you from that "oh crap!" moment, of which I've had many in my DIY career.  (Where, oh where was the blog world when I tried to use Mod Podge in place of gold leaf adhesive?)

If you have not waxed furniture, you are going to love how easy it is to apply and what a beautiful finish it gives to raw wood, stained wood and painted surfaces.