Miss Mustard Seed & Mom

My mom and I work at an exhausting pace.  Yesterday, I primed four pieces of furniture, painted three, refinished a table, cleaned our workshop, made the slipcover video, wrote a post, wrote an article for HGTV.com, organized my son's clothes and toys, and painted a lamp.  Crazy, right? 

Tomorrow, we're going to paint the solo peacock wall in my dining room in the Aria Ivory that coats the other three walls.  I love the blue, but I am planning on painting the corner cabinets blue.  And blue on blue with the blue drapes is just too much...well...blue.  I also need neutral walls for my photo shoots. 

Today, we drove all over the world to do some shopping.  First up was Hobby Lobby in Chambersburg.  I bought a bunch of materials I need for my Easter/Spring/Summer projects for HGTV.com.  My youngest broke something and threw M and M's on the floor.  My oldest asked about 80 times if we could go Chick-fil-a first.  Shopping with two toddlers was a little hairy at times, but we made it out ok. 

After a drop cloth stop at Lowes and a long drive to Westminster, we ate (and played) at Chick-fil-a, where my youngest screamed so loud it attracted the attention of everyone in the restaurant.  I think they were certain someone had lost a limb based on the volume and urgency of the scream, but the door had simply not cooperated when he and another boy tried to exit at the same time.  

Then, it was on to Goodwill, where I was certain I would find a great haul of furniture.  I was so anxious to beat everyone else to "my" treasures that I almost left the keys in the car (with the car running.)  Nothing else matters when deals are waiting.  

Guess what I came out of Goodwill owning? 

Not one, but TWO incredible Hulk action figures that will flex their chests when a button on the back is pressed.  That's not all, though.  We also found a plastic Thomas the Train bowl. 

Yeah, that's not exactly the haul I was hoping for.  It was a major bummer.

The furniture I did get to look at was a bunk bed set at a furniture store, which felt like a foreign and strange place to me.  My older son asked, "Is this someones house?"  I don't think he's ever been in a furniture store.  I don't think I've been in one for about ten years.  "I'm a thrifter."  I told the salesmen.  "I don't normally shop in furniture stores."  "Hmm", he replied.  I don't think he was impressed. 

On the topics of bunk beds, does anyone own a set they really love?  We're having a tough time wading through all of the options and it's really strange territory for me.  If anyone has some good advice (or a pair of sturdy bunk beds they want to sell), please share. 

My mom and I are pooped, so we're off to bed. 

Don't feel too badly for her.  I'm making her awesome and healthy meals, including a veggie omelet this morning.  

I may be working her to death, but she's going to be well fed. 

Miss Mustard Seed