The Fake Out

Last week, we had two wonderfully warm days.  We went out on a walk, played outside and I got in the spring mood. 

Then, last night we got about eight inches of snow and it was ten degrees this morning.  Just when I was ready for Spring...fake out!  At least the boys had a good time sledding on our little bunny slope of a "hill." 

Inside, though, it was all spring.  I was working on photo shoots for Easter projects and the June issue of Cottages and Bungalows. 

A few bunches of grocery store flowers were arranged and rearranged to work for different shoots. 

And I also hit the fruit and vegetable aisle for some glossy granny smiths and over-priced out-of-seaon strawberries. 

So, snow outside, spring inside and it's Christmas in my basement.  That's right.  I'm working on my last project for for Christmas 2011...a built-from-scratch stocking hanger.  This project had me stumped for a while, but I finally figured out a design that worked. 

Not only are the seasons out of whack, but my house is too.  All of this work and an entire day sick in bed (Sunday) has taken it's toll.  Yeah, it's that kind of week!  Just don't show up on my doorstep unannounced and we'll be cool. 

Miss Mustard Seed