Casualty of Business

I am blown away at all of the links for the Copy Me challenge!  All of the ones I've looked at are ah-ma-zing! 

You are all sharing projects inspired by me and my style and I've had a rather odd and unexpected reaction to looking at your wonderful vignettes, rooms, furniture and projects. 

Let me explain. 

My house has become a casualty of my business.  You are all creating beautiful corners in your homes and I'm picking mine apart.  Plucking things to sell, rearranging things for photo shoots, and storing things for "when I finally get around to that room." 

My business takes priority over my house. I take great care to set up a room or part of a room or a vignette for photos...

...and then I take it all down.

I make pieces I fall in love with... 

...and then I have to let them go.

Between all of the photos, this is the reality. 

I don't hang anything on the walls, because I know I'm going to move the furniture around and I know some day it will be perfect and it's not now, so I don't do anything. 

I'm too busy working on projects for others that the only thing hanging from my bedroom curtain rod is clothes that are drying.

And my rooms are a constant merry-go-round of furniture, photo shoots and projects.  (Although the Christmas projects continue into February, the tree is finally down.)

...and on top of that, I have the usual accoutrements that come with toddlers.  Boys who dress as three different super heros in one day, smush gold fish into the carpets, up-end full bins of matchbox cars and don't appreciate the aesthetic of a coffee-table-scape. 

So, I guess my point is...

In the "Copy Me" challenge, you're copying my best.  The things that are clean, arranged, photographed and PhotoShopped. 

If you feel like your home might not measure up...well, I feel that way too. 

Miss Mustard Seed