Furniture Feature Friday - Winners & a Link Party

Can I just tell you how much I enjoy looking through all of the furniture posts each week?  I hope it never gets so big that I can't do that.  There are some amazing pieces out there and it is very inspirational to me.  Keep it up and spread the word to other furniture lovers out there.

I am absolutely in love with Rene's chair from Cottage and Vine.  She bought this chair for $10 at a thrift store.  Score!  It has a breautiful shape and great patina on the wood, but the fabric was very drab and did not do the chair justice.
Rene debated about how to treat the chair and she ultimately decided to upholster it in this classic, yet fresh blue and white pattern.  I'm so glad she decided to leave the wood as is.  We can be a paint-happy bunch and some times it's just not the best thing to do.  This piece is proof of that. 
I just love it.  Well done!

There was another piece that I thought was stunning and worth featuring as well.  Check out this awesome table by Dayka from Life + Style.  I can totally understand why she doesn't want to sell it, but she is willing to let it go.  I have that problem a lot!  I guess it would be hard to sell pieces we didn't love.  I love how the fresh white paint empahsizes the incredible lines on this piece.  It went from dated to very current and classic.  Nice work! 
Dayka lives in the Atlanta area, girls, so this can be yours if you live near her.

So, on to the party.  I can't wait to see what you girls have for me this week!  As a reminder, here are the rules:
1.) Your post has to be about furniture. I have not deleted posts that are not about furniture in the past, but I'm going to start doing that this week.  (Please, don't make me feel like a meanie!)  There are so many wonderful parties where you can share your accessories and craft projects, so let's just keep this about furniture.  Built-in furniture like kitchen cabinets and bathroom vanities do qualify as furniture. 
2.) Post a permalink, not the link to your blog.
3.) The link party closes Saturday at midnight PST and I will choose my favorite and feature their post and blog on next week's FFF.

Miss Mustard Seed