Furniture Feature Friday & A Winner

I'm sure it's getting old hearing this, but it was really, really hard to pick a winner from last week's entries.  There were a lot of great pieces.  Especially chairs!  I have a chair that I've been a little scared to tackle and you girls have inspired me.  Even if I rip it apart and can't get it back together, I'm only out $, what am I scared of? Anyway, I just love hosting this party.  You girls rock!

So, the winner of last week's FFF is...

Kerri from A Very Blessed Nest and her wonderful upholstery job on this unwanted bench.  Can you believe no one else in her family wanted this piece?  It wasn't even ugly before she reupholstered it!  She just made it better.   Don't you love those rooster pillows as well?  Very nice job, Kerri!

I also love her daughter's room.  Isn't this sweet and perfect for a little princess?  See the flowers on the wall?  Those were from the gardening department!  She saw that they would make perfect wall art.

I can't wait to see what else Kerri does.  This girl is good and making things beautiful on a budget.

On to the party!  Don't feel left out if you have not revamped any furniture recently, you can share thrifty finds, favorite furniture pieces, great arrangements, or pieces on your wish list. If it's about furniture, I'd love to see it.

As a reminder, here are the rules:
1.) Your post has to be about furniture. I have not deleted posts that are not about furniture in the past, but I'm going to start doing that this week.  (Please, don't make me feel like a meanie!)  There are so many wonderful parties where you can share your accessories and craft projects, so let's just keep this about furniture.  Built-in furniture like kitchen cabinets and bathroom vanities do qualify as furniture. 
2.) Post a permalink, not the link to your blog.
3.) The link party closes Saturday at midnight PST and I will choose my favorite and feature their post and blog on next week's FFF.

Miss Mustard Seed

If your appetite has been whetted for even more furniture makeovers, go visit the DIY Show Off's Surprise Furniture Party. 

The DIY Show Off