A Winner, the True Value DIY Blog Squad, Thanks & Rest

Sorry I didn't announce the Vintage Skye Giveaway winner on Monday as promised.  I was toast after the wedding right on the heels of the Lucketts Antique Market.  I even went to bed last night without posting on my blog.  Gasp!  I know.  I actually get e-mails from people and my mom calls to make sure I'm OK when I don't post.  So funny! 

So, at long last, the winner of the 30 clay knobs from Vintage Skye...


...Vicki from Curly Willow!  Congratulations to you and thanks so much to Vintage Skye for offering up such an amazing giveaway. 

For those who didn't win, you can purchase anything in the Vintage Skye Etsy Shop and get 15% off with coupon code MMS15. 

Now that the dust has settled and my big events are behind me (for a while anyway), I can move onto other things.  First, I am so excited to share that I am one of the new bloggers joining the ranks of the True Value DIY Blog Squad! 

 After working so hard on furniture for other people, I am really looking forward to paying attention to my own house and this is a perfect opportunity to do it.  I'm definitely going to finally finish my bathroom (which is being remodeled with my winnings from the True Value DIY Disaster Contest) and I am planning to (re)paint our home office, kitchen and family room...maybe even our bedroom.  I think we'll probably also add some trimwork and who knows what else, but I am really excited about it.  I'm so ready to get my kitchen and family room photo-worthy! 

I'm also looking forward to following the projects of the other True Value DIY Blog Squad Members...

Great group, right?  You'll be seeing a lot more about this and I can't wait to share some ideas I have for decorating my own home in liveable vintage style on budget. 

Lastly, I want to spotlight two of my newest sponsors...

Allora Handmade.  I fell in love with Jessica's work at Blissdom and I can't wait to wear one of her beautiful necklaces. 


Fredbean's Nook.  Emma knows how to put a seed bead to good use and it shows in her amazing jewelry. 

I love highlighting creative women who took the plunge and put their creativity to work in their own business.  It's so inspiring and I'm honored to have them as sponsors. 

For all of you who are worried about how much I worked in May...rest is here.  I am getting my spa day tomorrow, followed by a nice dinner and going to the theatre to see the broadway tour of Beauty and the Beast.  Well earned, I think!

“I was one of the bloggers selected by True Value to work on the DIY Squad. I have been compensated for my time commitment to the program as well as my writing about my experience. I have also been compensated for the materials needed for my DIY project. However, my opinions are entirely my own and I have not been paid to publish positive comments.”