my dirty little secrets

Picture this...I have very important dinner guests over to my house.  I welcome them into my kitchen. They compliment my bright white cabinetry.  I'm finishing some dinner prep and chatting with everyone, gracious hostess that I am.  Are you with me?

One of the guests asks if she can do anything to help me.  I ask her to grab a bowl out of the upper right cabinet.  She sees this...

..she passes out.  Babies cry.  Children cover their eyes.  The fathers grab their families and leave in disgust. I'm left standing alone in my my disgrace.

Okay, okay!  I'm guilty.  I didn't paint the inside of my cabinets or cabinet doors.  I didn't and I'm okay with it!  I'll shout it from the roof tops and show it to the world on my blog!!  I DIDN'T PAINT THE INSIDE OF MY CABINETS OR DOORS!!!!

In all seriousness, I was just too impatient (in case you missed it, I have 51 cabinet doors) and I really didn't want buy another quart of primer and paint to do it.  At first, I felt like I really needed to do it.  It's what everyone does, right?  And it's the right way to do it, right?  After a long conversation with myself, I decided I may be in the minority (or the silent majority) of those who just don't care if the inside of their cabinet doors are painted, so I bucked tradition and took the road less traveled. 

...and that has made all the difference. 

While I'm airing my dirty secrets, I might as well share this...

Is everyone okay?  Can you handle seeing Miss Mustard Seed so raw and exposed?  I am actually going to paint the underside of the cabinets.  I can see this when I'm sitting on my sofa and that crosses the line.  I decided that this was something I could do in sections as I have the time and it didn't need to be a part of the push to get the kitchen finished. 

So, if you're about ready to paint your kitchen cabinets and you really don't want to paint the inside of the doors...that's okay.  You have my permission to just leave them alone.  I've got your back.