Lucketts Buys

It's hard for me to go to an antique market and not buy anything.  At the Lucketts Antique Market a couple of weeks ago, I hadn't bought anything at the end of day one.  I was too busy at my space to run around and shop.  The Sunday of the sale was more relaxed, plus I didn't have much left to sell, so I sauntered around and shopped. 

A lot of things caught my eye, but here is what I bought...

A wooden cog... alarm clock...

...a linen tablecloth with an embroidered monogram...

...a pair of European tea towels and a grain sack...

(After I took this picture, I realized the monograms spell "BIKE."  What are the odds?)

...and a few springs.  I'm not sure what I'll do with these, but I thought it would be a challenge to come up with something creative. 

I also bought a couple of wire baskets and a small ironstone pitcher.  It's fun that I can splurge a little on myself every now and then. 

Tomorrow I'm bringing some new things to my space in Lucketts and picking up some pieces from my Virginia "picker."  I received a lot of comments from people interested in buying these benches when I posted about them in January...

I bought them for the wedding and now they have served their purpose, they are headed to Lucketts for sale. 

I'll also hit some shops on the way down.  Now that schools are out in this area, I have baby sitters lined up and lots of furniture to work on, so I should have some makeovers to share this week. 

And I WILL finally get my massage!!