Christmas Open House

Today, I crammed another project in when I had the chance and I made the trip down to Wild Rose and Chartreuse.  I enjoy both of those shops every time I walk in the door.  I could just wander around and look at the displays and beautiful decor. 

Today was the holiday open house at Wild Rose, so it was all decked out for the holidays.

Lynette does an amazing job arranging things to make every one's stuff look good.  Isn't this sign by Molly amazing?

I popped over to Chartreuse and something big was missing from our space...

Yes, it sold.  I was happy and sad at the same time.  I hope whoever bought it really loves it and will give it a good home.  Sniff.

I forgot to share one exciting thing from our Swanky Junque Swap last weekend...  I was interviewed by Stephanie from Dial M For Minky, who is an iVillage correspondent.  The feature is about upcycling furniture and it should be posted in a few weeks.  I'll link to it, of course, when it's up!

Photo by Karen.

Tomorrow is going to be all about laundry, packing and last minute projects before we head out for Raleigh on Monday.  Both sets of grandparents will be there, so it should be tons of fun. 

Miss Mustard Seed