Chartreuse Christmas Preview

Chartreuse (and our space there) is getting all decked out for the holidays.  Lynette and I spent the afternoon primping our booth and donning it with holiday decor. 

In addition to furniture and non-holiday accessories, the place is filling up with greenery, lights, ornaments, and trees.

Sniff.  Yes, I even managed to bring my French settee to the booth.  And I left it there...with a tag on it...for someone to buy.  They better really love it, that's all I'm sayin'. 

We staged Christine's pine farm tables under the rafters at the back of our booth to maximize space.  I hope someone buys that piece last, so all of our stuff doesn't end up on the floor! 

Two of my banners adorn the stacked chests. 

I managed to only make one large sheet music wreath for the sale, but I'm hoping to make more next week.

I focused on bringing accessories that would sparkle and shine, like glass and silver.  It really adds to the festive look of the display. 

I made several hand painted banners to drape around the booth and I love the whimsical touch they bring. 

The holiday preview at Chartreuse starts Thursday evening and runs through the weekend.  If you're local, this is a must-attend event!  Click on Chartreuse under "My Retailers" on my sidebar to get directions, hours, and additional information. 

If you're not local and you're interested in purchasing my handmade holiday ornaments and decor, click here for pricing information. 

I came home from this busy day and my husband surprised me by doing all of the laundry.  Folded and put away!  I hate laundry and I love him. 

Miss Mustard Seed

Once more, don't forget to vote for my bathroom makeover from True Value.  Click HERE to vote!