I hit the junk jackpot yesterday. There was a yard sale at my local fire hall and this guy was selling a bunch of old things from his parent's barn. Nothing was priced, which was a little frustrating for me, because I knew the instant I showed interest in something the unmarked price would double. So, I asked how much a chicken feeder was.
"Aw...two bucks."
I tried my hardest to keep my poker face.
"Mmm...ok. How about these pails?"
"Oh...a dollar each?"
"Ah. Ok. How about that pulley over there?"
"Five dollars."
"And the orchard ladders?"
"One dollar per rung."
"I'll take the chicken feeder, the pails, the pulley and a ladder!"
This ladder is so cool and had only 6 rungs, which means it was $6.00. I know. It felt a little bit like robbery.
I am going to give it a good scrubbing, a lite sand and a coat of Poly to bring out the warmth of the wood. I think I'm going to hang it on the wall, but who knows. I went back today to buy at least one more long one and someone else bought "my" other ladders. Shoot.
The chicken feeder (isn't that what this is?) just needs a good hose down and some poly as well. I am so excited to think of all of the uses for this thing. I set it up as a plate rack for the photos and I think this would be an awesome way to serve up plates on a buffet.
$2.00 well spent.
This pulley is huge and heavy. It has to weigh about 30lbs and it's about 2' long. I can't believe it was only $5.00.
I'm going to clean it up a bit as well and think about something cool to do with it...preferably in a safe spot where my boys won't use it as a weapon.
And these galvanized pails have some great character. I love the handle on the larger pail. The vender made sure he let me know there was a hole in the side of the larger bucket. Maybe I should've asked him to knock the price down...
When I called my husband to tell him about my exciting finds, I started out by telling him that I didn't find many good yard sales today and there was mostly junk. Well, it was ALL junk, but this was my kinda junk.