Delicious Chippy Goodness

Here's my latest dresser...

Here's how it started.  Sorry for the stinky picture.  Do you see my boy's shoes on the lower right?  He was ducking into his "fort" as I took the picture.

It was a standard Empire dresser and had some nice details. 

The legs are a little chunkier than I usually go for, but I love the curve and the brass wheels. 

I painted it to look ultra chippy and distressed, so the buyer can get that delicious chippy goodness without the lead paint concern.  Despite all of the texture, it has a smooth finish, thanks to some wax. 

I know this amount of distressing isn't for everyone, but I love it!

I'm off to do some more painting, but announcement.  I've decided I am going to sell my dining set.  I think.  I reserve the right to change my mind, but I think I'm at peace with selling it. 

Pam-the-picker brought a French dining room set for me yesterday and I love, love the shape of the chairs.  I think they must be mine. 

For those of you waiting..."Annabel" has finally come forward!

"Hello, Let me first start off by saying that my name is actually Antonia but Annabel is nice too and Rupert is my husband Aaron. I didn't respond right away because I was so nervous Miss Mustard Seed is the goddess of home design to me, and now to own something she made for me personally, well I'm beside myself. I show my husband her work everyday because I have to share her amazing work with someone who can appreciate it the way I do and he does. He now loves and follows her blogs because she is so talented. I think his reasoning behind getting me something made by Miss Mustard Seed was because almost everyday I would say how it was a dream to own something she made. This gift was perfect for me we just bought our home a year ago and are starting to decorate and this is a great item to start off with. I love this decor so hopefully it will give me some ideas and I love the colors. I must say to all involved in making this gift thank you so much it means so much to me and will be a great conversation piece in our home forever.

My husband is a sweet and amazing man and I'm grateful for him.