some of the perks

There are a lot of perks that come with my job.  They don't include a cushy office with a view or a corporate jet, but those things don't interest me.  I get to, no have to shop.  Tough job, huh?  Not only do I get to shop, but I get to thrift, yard sale, hunt, dig and junk.  My kind of shopping.  I get to buy what I want...what I like...what I think will sell at a profit or what I think I can make fabulous and desirable to others.  As my business has grown, so has my buying power, so now I can make a substantial "buy pile" at most stores I walk into.  When I was out shopping earlier this week, I bought some linens and an ironstone platter at one of my favorite places.  "Oh, you're not filling your van today?", the girl behind the counter asked. 

This is the kind of shopping I have always wanted to do.  I don't have to worry about having a place for it in my home or fitting it into my decor.  If I love it...if it speaks to me...if it's priced right, I buy it.   As my business has grown, I've also become pickier about what I buy.  It must be something I love.  The fact that I can make a profit on it alone will not convince me to buy it.  That would sound like utter nonsense to any business-minded individual, but I have to feel great about everything in my retail space.  I want to want everything I sell.  I want it to be hard to let go.  When it's very hard, I know it's something special. 

This leads me to perk number two...I have a steady stream of really cool things coming into my house and I can pick some things to keep for photo shoots or trade out for other things.  I bought the antique basket while in Florida and it was so fabulous, I decided to keep it to use above my curio. 

I have a soft spot for things that remind me of Germany (I grew up there), so I kept these mounted German stag antlers. 

I've been longing for a silver dome ever since I spotted one in a decorating book vignette years ago.  I thought it would be great for photo shoots. 

This business has also changed me in some surprising ways.  It used to be pretty hard for me to let go of things I liked.  Now, things are just things and I have sold some I never, ever thought I would sell.  I find I'm OK with buying something I really love, using it for a while and then sending it on to another home.  I'm in a business that is perfectly suited to me. 

While some might long for a corporate jet...I'll take a mini-van and trailer any day.