
I started my Facebook Page, Mustard Seed Creations, before I changed my business name to Mustard Seed Interiors.  I'm working on some new branding projects, so it was time for an update!  I will be closing my Mustard Seed Creations Facebook Page very soon, so make sure you "like" me at...

(Don't worry, this doesn't change my blog at all.)

While you're at it, if you're on Twitter and don't follow me, yet, you can do it here...!/MissMustardSeed

It's Miss Mustard Seed on the go!  Don't miss me sharing when I spray myself in the face with a hose or when I give a sneak peek of my next project!

Coming soon, the Miss Mustard Seed App, where I can give you virtual advice on any piece of furniture and tell you if you've found a good bargain at a flea market.  Just kidding.  That's not coming soon.

See you tonight at 10 pm EST for Furniture Feature Friday.  Are you ready?