On to my treat for you today! In addition to an awesome giveaway, I want to introduce you to one of my newest Etsy and blog buddies, Robin from Well of Creations. She can make amazing things with a crochet needle and she is an all around artsy person. Her blog is loaded with inspiration, great photos, and her unique creations. So, without further babbling from me, here's a little bit about Robin, in her own words.
"My name is Robin Norgren. Before 2009, I would have never described myself as a creative type, let alone a designer and mixed media artist. But as life tends to do, some circumstances came into play that forced me to look for a deeper sense of my identity as a woman. My husband and I had a little one about 5 years ago. We both agreed that we would attempt to live on one income and I would stay home to do the majority of the raising of the little one. ENTER MAJOR LIFE CHANGE. I had worked since I was 15 years old and now at 37 I was home. Alone. With a baby. I enrolled in school to kind of ease the need for outside connection. And then my husband-who is in the Navy, deployed not once BUT TWICE in 2 years.
By this time school was completed but I felt like I could not allow Josey to face not one but two of her parents pulling away suddenly. So there I was living in a city with no family around caring for a two year old. I went into a big box craft store desperate for a hobby of some kind. I found one of those “crochet a scarf” kits and thought this might be an option for me, hoping to draw on vague memories of my mother teaching me a stitch or two. Four months later, the scarf was finished. But the seed was planted…
From there, I reconnected with an old girlfriend who was trying to find something to occupy her time in her new status as a stay at home mom. She is an artist and I had heard about etsy from another friend so I began encouraging her to give it a shot. Once she got her shop up and running, she looked at me and said, “ok your turn.”
Well of Creations was born March 2009 and offered crocheted scarves and beanies and some mosaic frames. And I just kept at it. I had started a blog earlier so I began connecting with other artists that way and then Twitter and Facebook were thrown in the mix and I began to gain confidence and kept moving forward. But the biggest boost for me was participating in holiday craft fairs in 2009. I was hooked. The friendships and community I experienced sealed the deal on this type of creative life.
January 2010 we found our family relocated to Germany. The isolation was a hub for me to pray and rethink the direction I would go business wise. I can honestly say I am becoming more “me” through this wonderful experiment."
I am an Army BRAT and grew up in Germany, so I feel a real connection to Robin through that. In this trend of "going white", it's so refreshing to see bold, fun colors used in her work and photography. She is a true talent.
So, have you fallen in love with her crochet camera bags? I certainly have...and every good blogger needs a cute camera bag for camera. (Including me!) Now is your opportunity to win one for free. Click here to enter. The giveaway will run through midnight EST on Saturday, July 31, and a winner will be chosen by Random.org and announced on Sunday. Best of luck!

You can also read about Robin's spiritual journey here, "tweet" with her on Twitter, and "like" her on Facebook.