Yes. I just said doo-doo in my title of my post. (You have to remember that I work with teenagers.)
Anyway, the winner of your votes for my free design consultation was Elise from eliseiscontent and that means I am in deep doo-doo. Ok, I'm just joking, but it is going to be a real challenge for me. Not only is this my first online design consultation, but this is for a woman who sounds so sweet and I really want to do right by her (and her family.) I wish I could go to her home with a huge budget and a team of volunteers to make this place the home of their dreams.
Unfortunately, it's "just me" and my laptop and my ideas. But that's "just me" talking. For this project, I need to ditch "just me" and be Miss Mustard Seed! The woman who blogs! The force to be reckoned with!
So, let's do this thing!
Elise and her family live in a split level that they purchased from her husband's parents. It sounds like all of the rooms need work, except her daughter's room, so the very first thing that needs to happen is Elise needs to decide which room I'm going to work on. Their budget is small, so my suggestion is to put all of the creative juices, money, and favorite pieces into one room to have one room that they really love. When the money is there, they can then work one room at a time.
Keeping that in mind, Elise and family, which room would you like to start with?
Once you pick out your room, I have loads of questions for you and I need a lot of pictures and measurements. (It doesn't matter if the room is clean or not, deal?)
Her style is " a little bit vintage, art and music, whimsy and funky, but in a classy way." She has almost nothing to work with and a teeny tiny budget, so buckle up ladies. This is going to be interesting...
...but something you won't want to miss.