Elizabeth from Blue Clear SkyI would love the opportunity to win your design consultation! I have a family room that needs some creative advice. It has great floors and lots of windows and light. I'm going for a rustic farmhouse lakeside feel. I have an awesome old sideboard that we are using for a TV stand that needs to be stripped or painted and I don't know which way to go. The room also has a fireplace wall that needs some architectural detail. We also have our computer area in one end of the same room and I need to figure out a better solution and positioning for the work area. Lots to do and I can't figure it all out. I would love your design direction!
Miss Mustard Seed' Assessment:
The good: This space has lots of light, a pretty wall color and a great start.
What it needs: Editing, definition, and a "theme" that will bring cohesion to the room.
Elise from elise is contenti need help with my entire HOUSE! scratch that, the whole house minus my daughter's room.
We bought the house my husband grew up in from his parents. right when all of the things my father in law fixed himself over the years started to break. Did i mention the 80's wallpaper in the kitchen/dinning room/bathroom and the off white walls every where else? how about the long vertical plastic blinds? we are working on a very tight (read:non existent) budget. Add two children, 3 and 1 and you have- me pulling my hair out living in a mid 70's dungeon of a split level. ick!
the one room I've been able to work on is my daughter's. it's kind of whimsy and funky.
Miss Mustard Seed's Assessment:
The good: Elise is content even though she has stuff unfinished and stuff she doesn't like all over the house. Poor Elise. There is some good, here, though. She has some pieces she really loves and those need to become a feature. What it needs: Finishing, showcasing what works and minimizing what doesn't until budget allows to replace it, and a lot of thrifty creativity.
Megan from Just the Scraps
A room redo- from you!?!?!? I would ADORE IT! Narrow it down to one room? ummm.... here's the problem, I have a whole house I know not what to do with! Actually- I believe my bedroom would be the one. My husband and I have been married for almost 6 years. We have 2 boys, 4 and 2. And we have hand-me-down bedroom furniture from the 1970s... Our bed sits on the floor. We bought this house last year and are slowly doing things to it, like paint and the outside stuff, etc, etc, etc. I would love for our bedroom to have a romantic, comfy feel and have no idea how to really achieve that. I stay home with the kids and my amazing husband works hard in a dangerous career to support his family. He deserves to have a wonderful bedroom to spend his nights (or days, depending on his work schedule) in. And I would love to feel like my room is a little oasis to relax in and spend time with the afore mentioned wonderful husband :)
Miss Mustard Seed's Assessment:
The Good: This space is very fresh and has some great detail.What it needs: A grown-up, sophisticated look, a way to hide the essentials (the TV and dog carrier), and a personality.
Maria from Busy as a Bee in Paris yes, yes, yes! help me design my living room. i live in a small twin home in a suburb of Paris, France. we've painted our walls, wanting to go for a Provence look, but now i am stuck. i would love to be your guinea pig!
Miss Mustard Seed's Assessment:
The good: This space is in Paris. Need I say more? Well, it also has great floors and beautiful windows.What it needs: Defined spaces, a cohesive style, warmth.
Heather from A Little Q and R
I loved the very fist season of design star and missed them all until this year, and I couldn't agree more, the judges are downright mean. Maybe that's what they figured it took to compete against all of the other awful reality shows on TV. I think they might have misunderstood their target audience. As for a room consultation, I need them all!!! but the one in most desperate need is my family room. It is a long relatively narrow room with a bay window at 1 end and a fireplace at the other, with the main walkway directly in front of the fireplace. We love the fireplace but feel there is no way to direct attention to it because of it's location.
Miss Mustard Seed's Assessment:
The good: First of all, I adore the chair in the bay window. Lovely piece. Second, this space has great bones and Heather has some good furniture to work with.
What it needs: Updating, freshness, and a cohesive style.
Brenda from Barnscrapper I just found your blog about a week ago and I love it! I am currently in the process of painting our great room. I would love your input on furniture placement, window treatments and decor for that room. I love antiques and have several large pieces that I would like to keep in the room, but I feel like there is too much furniture in the space.
What's good: This is a great space, but with all of the windows and massive fireplace, it makes furniture placement tricky. There is also some beautiful furniture to work with.
What it needs: A new furniture arrangement, editing, and better lighting
Sherrie from A Vintage Affair
It is our only room for TV viewing so there is a 40in flat screen in the room. My husband built an awesome fireplace mantle with surround so I have competing focal points. The room is more narrow and long about 15x25. I desperately need your help!!!
Really? Really? OMG! I would love to have your input. I have a living room that only has one wall without windows or doors, and that wall has an installed flat screen on it. So many angles, a cat walk staircase with 15 ft ceilings, yet the room is quite small. Have I scared you off yet?
If not please enter me for consideration :0)
What's good: The fireplace is gorgeous and there are some pretty pieces to "play" with.
What it needs: This room's layout and features are weird! It needs a smart furniture layout and a way to play up the focal points.
Teresa from I'm Running to EatI'd love to be your guinea pig! My living room is driving me crazy. We live in a 100+ year old farm house. The living room has 4 doors, 2 windows and a fireplace that is off center in the room.
The good: This is a 100 year old farm house, which is so much fun! This is a family that is not scared to take on a challenge and put in some work to make it happen.
What it needs: Simplification. There is so much going on in this room that you don't even know where to look. It also needs a better furniture layout and has to play nicely with what's going on in adjoining rooms.
Sarah from Sundays and HolidaysI love your style so I thought I'd throw in my living room with the others up for consideration. For 3 years we've been sharing our home with another family with 4 young boys (and we have 2!) We let the boys take over the living room and use it for pillow forts, etc. Now the other family has moved out and I want the room to be comfortable for everyone- adults and kids. The re-do will have to be entirely flea market/yard sale/do-it-ourselves as we don't have a lot of money, but I feel excited about the possibilities. We live in a 1904 Victorian in New England and there's nice molding and big windows. Thanks for all of the inspiration- I'll be checking your blog regularly as we figure out this room!
The good: This room is beautiful! I love the bay, the windows, and the details.
What it needs: Sophistication, furniture, and finishing touches.
Maryanne from SongbirdI would love to have a design consultation, but I know I am way too late of course, but just in case you haven't made up your mind yet. I NEED YOU!!!
Our bedroom is bare and uninviting with nothing on the walls ever since we moved in. I am so gonna do something about that this summer when I am off work in three weeks. Except although it has been on my mind this whole year, I still haven't figured out exactly what I am gonna do.
There are some challenges in the room, like a very difficult window treatment situation, a wall covering I hate, but probably can't change and limited opportunities to change the layout. And then there are of course the challenges I bring myself like wanting a 'winter' and 'summer' version of the room. Oh and of course the fact that My Love won't sleep in anything too romantic, and I really want him to sleep with me in there.
You see, I could talk for hours about the plans I do and do not have for my bedroom, and I need to figure it out fast because my deadline is three weeks from now to have the plans finished. So please, would you, could you, still consider me for this.....
The good: This is a blank canvas with loads of potential and a talented home owner who can execute some creative ideas.
What it needs: Softening. This room looks cold and institutional right now. It needs lots of texture and warmth to counter the things in this room that cannot be changed.
Whitney from Keeping Up with the ThomasesI totally need help with my living room design. My husband and I were married one year ago, and bought our first house about a month later. I love it, but our living room needs HELP! I have no idea how to arrange any furniture in here because the TV is above the fireplace, one wall opens to the kitchen, one wall opens to the dining room, and another wall has a large window. This is the first time I've decorated a house without my mom's help, and I second guess myself too much. She usually makes great decisions, but I now live over 300 miles from her! :( If you're up for an awkwardly shaped room, I'm open to suggestions!!
(Is it me, or does that dog look angry?)
The good: This space is gorgeous. It has great details, lots of light and lots of space.
What it needs: Furniture that looks like it belongs in this stylish space, more seating and furniture, and some personality. (And that dog needs a treat or a good belly rub or something.)
So, now it's in your hands. I was going to do a fancy voting widget, but decided to keep it simple and low-tech. Just leave a comment with the room number you would like to see my consultation on. The one with the most votes wins the consultation. Voting will be opened through Wednesday, July 21 at midnight EST.
Good luck!