Furniture Feature Friday Link Party & Giveaway

The sponsor of this weeks Furniture Feature Friday is Norma from Petit Debutant. If you have not checked out her blog or Etsy store, you must (link up first) and then go right over for a visit. She has lovely photography that is backed up by great ideas and inspiration that you can use throughout your home. I fell in love with this thrifty and gorgeous fall wreath she made. I love the monogram!She also shares mouthwatering recipes, including these yummy looking cupcakes. Isn't the icing perfection? And she struts some thrifty finds that will make you wish she lived next door and could take you shopping. Look at these fantastic domes and stands she found.

She has graciously offered up one of her custom digital portrait silhouettes for this weeks winner of the FFF link party. I love how she uses technology to make something that is classic and will be a family heirloom.
I absolutely love these. And if you don't have kids, wouldn't this make a wonderful gift? Check out the full description and details at her Etsy Store.Thank you so much, Norma, for sharing your talents with us, not only through your blog, but through your Etsy Store.
My furniture feature this week is by the amazing Karli from Rocky Bella. She won the FFF link party two weeks ago with her turquoise chest of drawers and when I saw this console, I knew I had to feature it. Some people are great with furniture and Karli is one of those people. She just knows how to bring out the best in a piece. Well, first of all, she knows how to pick a piece. Isn't this just gorgeous? I really wish we had the technology to replicate something we see on the computer screen. I am so in love, but just wait...
She painted it a lovely olive green and is using this piece as a console for a flat screen TV. So much better than those black & glass beasts that are a sore thumb in living rooms across the US.
Well done, Karli. I really can't wait to see your future projects!

So, on to the party! Here are the rules for participating in Furniture Feature Friday -

1.) Your post has to be about furniture or home furnishings. You can share makeovers, thrifty finds, favorite furniture pieces, or great furniture arrangements.
2.) Post a permalink, not the link to your blog.
3.) The link party closes Friday at midnight PST and I will choose my favorite to win Norma's Custom Silhouette.

Miss Mustard Seed