Free Me Up

Check out my Frog Tape Giveaway! It's going on through November 30, so make sure you leave a comment.

I LOVE free stuff and have received some great things lately. Before you call PETA, I did not knock some baby birds out of their home to steal this nest. The woman who owns my shop had it for sale in a basket. I loved it so much, I decided to buy it and she just gave it to me.
I had some blown out eggs on hand (that I use for Ukrainian egg dying), so I placed them in the nest and I put it in a balance I got at a yard sale for $20.00. Now, I need to find a safe place for it where curious cats and kids will leave it alone...hmmm. That's always the dilemma.
In addition, I was surprised a few days ago by a package from my blog friend, Kim at My Domestic Bliss. She recently opened her Etsy store and asked if I would help get the word out. She kindly sent me this cream footed tray as a thank you gift. Isn't it cute? I have a thing for footed trays...
...and the curvy lines are just my style.

This is a really neat piece, Kim. Thank you so much!
To see what other vintage and hand made items Kim has, head over to her Etsy store, Larkspur Interiors!
Lastly, my husband is not known as a dumpster diver, thrifter, or junker. He just tolerates my rubber-necking at yard sales and picking furniture up off the side of the road. But, last week he shocked me. He came home from work and said, "Some body was getting rid of something and I knew you would like it." He carried this in from his truck.
It is such a cool desk chair and it looks so good in my office. Before I had one chair to roll between my desk and my work surface, now I have two. Great job, honey!

Miss Mustard Seed
BCD Show and tell