Inspired Ribbon Storage

One of my new readers left me a comment on the post about my office that shared a ribbon storage idea. She thought I might like it. She was right and I was inspired to store my ribbons the same way. This clever idea was found at Inspired Apertrey Ink, a beautiful stamping and scrapbook site. ~ Photo from Inspired's website ~

I had the spools of ribbon...
I had vintage clothespins that have been sitting in my basement for 3 years...

The only thing I had to purchase was a gallon sized glass jar with an aluminum lid and I found one at Wal-Mart for $6.00.

About an hour later, I had all of my ribbon neatly wrapped around each clothespin and inside the penny candy jar. Isn't this a great idea? It is such a space saver as well. I fit about 25-30 spools of ribbon in the jar and it's only half full. I do not recommend this storage technique if you have a large volume of one ribbon (10+ yards) or if the ribbon is really wide. It gets to the point that you can't even see the clothespin any longer. Those are better left on the spool.

I love how the ribbon looks almost like candy in the jar.

It also keeps the ribbon at an easier reach than it was in the closet. The person who made the suggestion does not have a blog, so I couldn't give a her a shout out, but you know who you are. Thanks!
I also got a lot of work done in my basement and workshop yesterday. I cleaned out my spray booth and started to rearrange my storage and work areas. I put the first coat of poly on my French Provincial Craig's List dresser top and the final coat of Sherwin William's Creamy on the body. Here's a sneak peak for you...
I am more in love with it every time I work on it. This thing is a beast, though, and is taking me a long time. I still have about a billion (ok...twelve) drawers to paint, but it's getting there.

Just to keep things exciting, I cut the tip of my finger off with a pair of scissors yesterday! Don't worry, the bone is still intact, I just cut off the padded part, but it bled like crazy and really hurt. I am so accident prone. I've got a Snoopy band aid and some Neosporin on it now, so I'm ready to go. (I wonder if it will grow back...?)
Oh, the joys of DIY. Ouch.

Miss Mustard Seed