Furniture Feature Friday Link Party & Giveaway

Welcome to my Furniture Feature Friday link party, feature and giveaway! I know I blow the horn of my sponsor every week, but how can I not? This week will not break that trend. For those of you who haven't met her, I'd like to introduce you to Caroline from Caroline Joy Home. I often get compliments for my sewing and slipcovers, but I am really just pretending to be someone like Caroline. This girl must sew like the wind blows and I bet she's burned out a few machines along the way. She makes the most adorable, frilly aprons, like this one...

She sold out of these gorgeous tea towels that she made with an iron on transfer....

And I love her embellished cardigan sweaters that are for sale in her Etsy Store. Very classic and chic.

Clothing isn't all this girl "dresses." Caroline gave these bushel baskets a liner and ruffled skirt to be used as a stylish storage solution.
She is also the ultimate recycler. She uses every little teeny tiny scrap of fabric and makes it into something creative, beautiful, and functional. These are "card cozies" that she made just in time for the holidays. The winner of this week's Furniture Feature Friday gets this oh so girly "Scarlet Apron" made out of a popular Waverly print on cotton. As an unprecedented move, I have declared a winner before the link party even opens. It's me. Just kidding, but I may have to buy one for myself (and I'll take the waistline pictured as well!)

Make sure you visit Caroline's blog and Etsy Store for great inspiration and one-of-a-kind hand made things you can buy for special ladies on your Christmas list. Thank you so much, Caroline, for sharing your talent with us and being so generous with this giveaway.
The furniture feature for this week is a desk-turned-pet station by Kristi from Addicted to Decorating. When I originally saw this, I left a comment encouraging her to share this at FFF this week. I kept thinking about it and decided to take matters into my own hands and make her piece the feature. Kristi lives in a tiny place and was inspired by another blog to maximize her space and make a pet station for her cats. (In the amount of floor space it takes to lay out a couple of food bowls, you can fit an entire piece of furniture, right?) She was going to pitch this freebie desk in order to make room for the pet station when it occurred to her that she could use the desk for the pet station! Here's the plan...
And here's the result. I love the colors and finishes she chose for this piece.

It passes the most important test of all - will the cats use it? They obviously like their new home and it looks so much better than those rope and carpet monstrosities from a pet store.

Gorgeous job, Kristi! This is a very special piece.

So, what do you have to share with us this week? Here are the rules...

1.) Your post has to be about furniture or home furnishings (this includes accessories.) You can share makeovers, thrifty finds, favorite furniture pieces, or great arrangements.
2.) Post a permalink, not the link to your blog.
3.) The link party closes Friday at midnight PST and I will choose my favorite to win Caroline's Scarlet Apron.
4.) It's not required, but please grab a button and link back to spread the word.

One last note...Deb from Proper Prim paid me a wonderful compliment today and listed me as one of her blog friends. She does some unique and creative transformations, so you should check out her blog! Thanks, Deb. It's nice to know I have a friend in Ontario.

Miss Mustard Seed