Furniture Feature Friday - Favorites & a Link Party

Thanks so much to everyone who has asked about our safety.  We are in the middle of all of the flooded areas and our schools were closed today, but we're not seeing anything that bad in our immediate area.  It was much worse in the spring...and we had about 8" of standing water in our basement that time.  Please keep the families in the Susquehanna Valley in your prayers.  They are the ones who have been hit hard. 

Closed schools definitely threw a kink in my day.  We ended up hiring a babysitter, so we could head out to deliver some new pieces to my space at Lucketts.  I actually ran into a reader there, which is always fun.  She hiked all the way up to the third floor just to see my space.  So sweet! 

One last thing, if you notice some strange things happening with my website or you get an e-mail kicked back, it's OK.  It's under control and all a part of booting my website off the domain I will be using for my WordPress blog.  Just be patient for a couple of weeks while we're making some technical changes. 
OK, enough gab.  Here are my favorites from last week. 

Mandi from Vintage Revivals is super talented and she just drives that point home with her most recent chair makeover.  I love how bold she is with patterns and colors.  Maybe I'm just a big weenie.

Lily Field Furniture posted this lovely mustard yellow dresser.  It just looks happy and I love the black hardware against it.  Very classy.   This blog only has 13 followers, so show her (him?) some love. 


Lastly, Lisa from My Not-So-Shabby Life tackled this ornate secretary and I love how it turned out.  It was totally worth all of the effort!  Can I have that brick wall, please?


Link up ladies...and gentleman.  We're an equal opportunity link party, here. 

Here are the rules for our furniture get-together...

1.) Your post has to be about furniture.  Please, please, please...just furniture.  If you find your link has been deleted, it's not because I'm mean, it's because your post was not about furniture.  You can share makeovers, awesome finds, favorite pieces, furniture arrangements, or even pieces on your wish list!  Built-in furniture like kitchen cabinets and bathroom vanities qualify as furniture.  
2.) Post a permalink (the link to the post), not the link to your blog.
3.) This party will close Saturday at midnight PST and I will choose my favorite(s) and feature their piece(s) on next week's FFF.