Furniture Feature Friday - Favorites & a Link Party

I was totally useless today.  I did get my kids ready for school, but then I got right back in bed.  I sat on the couch and, aside from a couple of phone calls and answering some e-mail, I just chilled out.  I stayed in my jammies until noon, watched a lot of TV and wasted time in general.  It was amazing.  Now I feel ready to get back to work. 

Well, I did spend some time looking through the FFF links from last week, but that's "fun work", so it still fits in the chilling out category.  Here were some standouts for me...

I love old shoe carts, but they're often rickety or the "shelves" are angled or only dowels, so I thought that Frugal Farmhouse Design was brilliant to have a modern version made.  I might have to show this to my husband...he can just add it to my already long list of honey-do projects.  I think this would look great in a bathroom. 

Julie of 551 East Furniture Design painted this beautiful secretary desk...inside and out, which is a huge chore.  I think it turned out lovely. 

Carrie from Lovely Etc. found this cute little cabinet at a "yard crawl."  Now, I don't know what that is, but I bet I would like it.  She picked a perfect aqua color and you know I'm a fan of dark stained tops, so this piece is right up my alley.  Great work, Carrie!

Thanks to all who participate each week!  Enjoy!

Here are the rules for our furniture get-together...

1.) Your post has to be about furniture.  Please, please, please...just furniture.  If you find your link has been deleted, it's not because I'm mean, it's because your post was not about furniture.  You can share makeovers, awesome finds, favorite pieces, furniture arrangements, or even pieces on your wish list!  Built-in furniture like kitchen cabinets and bathroom vanities qualify as furniture.  
2.) Post a permalink (the link to the post), not the link to your blog.
3.) This party will close Friday at midnight PST and I will choose my favorite(s) and feature their piece(s) on next week's FFF.