
I woke up  this morning to a snow storm.  Seriously?  Really?  Today of all days?  We left for the airport at the crack of dawn and drove along snow-covered roads to the airport. 

I am a dork and took a picture of my plane in the snow.  Thankfully, it was on time.  We boarded the plane and went through the de-icing process. 

Just as we were ready to leave, I heard the words that are only spoken on movies or on someone elses' flight, "Is there a doctor on board?" People rushed to the back of the plane with tanks and tubes and the rest of us waited. The plane had to go back to the gate to let the paramedics on board to assist the person in distress. The process took so long that the plane had to go through the de-icing process again.  (The gentleman was ok.)  Our plane was really late and I started to worry about my connecting flight. 

We landed at 10:45 and my next flight departed at 10:47.  Needless to say, I ran through the airport.  Yeah.  I was one of those people.  It was dramatic.  I made it just before they closed the door.  "Do you think my bag will make it?", I asked an airline employee.  She looked at me blankly, " I doubt it."  Visions of being at Blissdom and having to buy clothes and underwear and toiletries and how would I straighten my afro and how would I see without my glasses all came flooding to my mind. 

When the uneventful flight landed, I made my way to the baggage claim, certain I would be waiting for several hours to get my suitcase.  Then, a miracle.  A ratty, red suitcase with a yellow ribbon comes into view.  Yes!!

The rest of the day was a whirl.  Registration...

...freebies... caffeine of choice, some Motrin..., and the best part...I was hanging out with some girls I have known for over a year through their blog.  I squealed and laughed and chatted and fawned and shared and learned.  It was hard to get back to my room.  I will share more as my trip unfolds. 

For's after midnight and it's time for bed. 

Miss Mustard Seed