Lion Coffee Sign

I thought I would share my latest hand painted sign with you today.  It's a big one...about five feet long!

I used an antique Christmas coffee ad I found at The Graphics Fairy

I cropped the text and put it in my projector to transfer it to my board. 

I found this awesome door at an antique store a few weeks ago.  It was painted in the prettiest chalky blue and had really cool hinges.  Honestly, I've been hoarding it for myself, but it's just been sitting in my office and I needed things to take to Lucketts, so I had to let it go. 

Donna, I know you're suffering from rust envy.  Just go snuggle with one of your bolts and you'll be okay. looked so perfect in my house.  Sigh. 

Can't keep 'em all. 

If you're interested in making an "old" sign of your own, check out my post on The Making of a Sign.  If you must have this one, it's for sale at The Old Lucketts Store in Lucketts, Virginia. 

Miss Mustard Seed