Don't Be Afraid

I'm sure a lot of people out there are making resolutions about now.  Lose weight (amen), exercise, train for a marathon, get a job, start a family, start a blog, stop smoking, no more coffee, etc.  I think resolutions can be silly things.  As human beings, if we want to do something, we do it.  If we don't we either:

A.) don't
B.) wait until the new year, make a resolution, do it for two weeks and then stop
C.) discipline ourselves to do it

So, make whatever resolutions you'd like, but may I be so bold to propose just one? 

Don't be afraid. 

Just make the resolution that you won't let fear control you this year.  I'm not talking about healthy fear...that's a good thing and can keep you out of trouble.  I'm not talking about anxiety issues.  I'm talking about the fear that prevents you from doing good things. 

"I'm afraid to sew and it's horrific to imagine making slipcovers."
"I'm afraid to paint the wood dresser in my guest room.  What if I mess it up?  Is it even legal to paint nice wood?"
"I'm afraid of starting a business.  What if I fail?"
"I'm afraid of color.  What if it's the wrong one?"
"I'm afraid to start a blog of my own.  I don't have anything interesting to share."

Sound familiar?  These are fears some of you have shared with me over the past few weeks and months.  What you need to do is have a little conversation with yourself (or an encouraging spouse, friend or family member) that goes something like this...

"I'm afraid of starting a business.  What if I fail?"
"Well, you might.  But, what if you succeed?"
"I've never been a business minded person and I don't have a degree in this field"
"So what?  Everyone has to start somewhere and a lot of people succeed in fields they aren't educated in."
"I'm scared about taxes and keeping track of finances.  I'm clueless about how that works."
"OK, I'm going to hire an accountant and get some software to help me."
"I don't have the money to put into a business."
"I'm going to start small and slow.  I don't have to have everything all at one time."
"What if my stuff doesn't sell."
"Some of it won't and that's OK.  Even really great stores have to put things on clearance because they were wrong about what they thought people would buy.  I'm going to learn the market, but I can't learn if I don't try."

Getting the gist? (This was almost the exact conversation I had with myself!)  A lot of fears we have are just silly.  Why should anyone be afraid to sew?  The worse thing you can do is make something hideous and have to try again.  (Well, I guess a needle can break in a freak accident and put out your eye, but I'm guessing that's not the usual fear.  If it is, just wear some goggles.)  The first set of curtains I made was some quilting fabric I sewed directly over a green cotton valance.  They looked terrible, but everyone has to start somewhere.  The first chair I slipcovered was horrible.  Well, I use the term "slipcovered" loosely, because it was more slipholstered (half upholstered, half slipcover.)  I was so proud of it, but it was really bad.  All of that to say, it's OK to be bad at something when you first start. 

For years, I longed to play the violin.  Really.  It's a beautiful instrument.  So, I purchased a student violin off E-bay.  I waited eagerly for it to arrive in the mail.  I bought a couple of lesson books and I had dreams of being a prodigy.  I was really hoping I would remove the violin from the case and just "get it."  I would run the bow along the strings and play a beautiful song I had only heard once before and it would be magical.  The reality?  I remove the violin from the case and screeched out Twinkle Twinkle Little Star just like all other average people who play the violin.  You know what, though?  I still really enjoyed playing. 

The point is, we all want success, perfection and smooth sailing.  The truth is, most of us won't have that right off the bat 100% of the time.  The beauty is, that's where the good stuff in life can be found. We learn the most, grow the most, and change the most through struggle. 

I've been sewing for about ten years, now, and I get better all the time.  (My violin is sitting the guestroom closet with only three strings.  Not everything works out.)

So, whatever your fears about DIY, home decor, crafting, art, or starting a business might be...

Be bold. 

Be brave. 

And see where it takes you.

Miss Mustard Seed