A New Space

No, I'm not taking on a fourth retail space.  I'm not that crazy!  I did get to move into a new space yesterday, though.  There was a little bit of a shuffle at Wild Rose and I was put in the corner.  No, I wasn't naughty.  No dunce cap was involved.  It was a good thing.  I got two full walls to put my furniture on.  I was really excited about the switch and it was fun for me to pull all of my things into my own little corner. 

Once I did that, I realized I need some more things to hang on the wall and I need a small table or carpet for the middle.  It looks a little sparse, but now I know what I need.  (By the way, I used my new toy to take this picture.  I sucked it up and bought a wide angle lens.  I'll share more about it later.)

I also need some more smalls to fill my pantry.  I'm looking into carrying some wholesale items, which is so against my nature, but there's some cute stuff out there and it sells. 

I found this scale while thrifting in North Carolina with Brittany from Pretty Handy Girl.  She actually found it and pointed it out to me.  The baby shoes are made by Jami from Freckled Laundry

I just found this spectacular sunburst mirror and was very tempted to keep it, but I didn't have the perfect place for it right now, so it had to go to the shop.  That's the rule.

I stopped by my favorite antique source yesterday to buy some benches for the wedding I'm designing in May.  I had just been there two days ago and I had a car full of kids and a husband, so I had no plans to shop.  I told the shop owner I was buying the benches and he asked if I had seen their new shutters.  He knows what I like. 

These were the best shutters I had ever seen.  I bought seven of them!  There were a few left, but I may go back and buy them.  I need to think about it.  I'll share them shortly, but just think Restoration Hardware, grey, chalky, cool hardware.  Awesome. 

To wrap things up today...  Everyone else is saying thanks for their referrals and I love that gesture, so I thought I would do the same.  These were my top referring blogs for December. 

naifandtastic (From Madrid! Who knew?)

Thanks so much ladies!
Miss Mustard Seed