Whenever I take my three year old son with me to yard sales or thrift stores, I tell him that we are looking for "treasures." It's gotten to the point where he will point out yard sales to me as we're driving around on a Saturday morning, because he knows a cool toy might be there. So, I pulled my mom, dad, and two boys out to go treasure hunting today at an Antique/Flea Market in Mt. Dora, FL. (Thanks for the recommendation, Sherry!)
I found a boat-load of Bakelite flatware for $20. I love this stuff and was so excited to find spoons! I have tons of knives and forks, but no spoons.
This stuff is in mint condition. I purchased the forks and knives from one vendor for $8.00 (reduced from $12) and bought the spoons from another dealer for $12.00. She originally quoted $22.00 for the eight spoons, but when I told her the deal I got on the forks and knives, she cut her price almost in half.
I bought this wonderful, chippy tin tile for $5.00. The paint falls off if you breathe too heavy near it, so I might have to do something to it to make it useable as home decor.
My off-the-wall find was an old calf muzzle for $12.00. I love the shape of the wire and the warmth of the leather. What are my plans for it? No idea. It's just really cool and I've seen these for almost $50 in my part of the country.
This sort of goes with my farm finds from a few weeks ago.
I just got excited about it, so I bought it.
The last thing I came home with was this exercise pin/Indian club for $13. The patina on this wood so is amazing, I just had to get it.
My greatest find of the day was one I couldn't buy. Check out this French-style dresser. Sigh. We couldn't fit it in the trunk, much less my suitcase. It was such a bummer. I loved this dresser, but it was not meant to be. If you live near Mt. Dora, you should go buy it and just put me out of my misery. It's killing me knowing it's sitting there for sale and I can't buy it...and I bet you could get it for $40!
Overall, this market was ok. It was huge, but most of the stuff in the antique section was overpriced...for me, anyway. I was pleased at how many dealers carried antiques, though.
Oh, there were plenty of the usual flea market spoilers...tube socks, antiquated computers, Avon, and expired dry goods.
All in all, I am thrilled with my "treasures." My son even found a couple...Mike and Sully for $1.00/each. He's a good little shopper and knew exactly what he was looking for when he found it.
Just like his mommy.

I'm sharing these finds at SNS over at Donna's.