Hi Office Furniture devotees. I'm Coco from COCOCOZY here on guest duty. I want to thank Ashley for having me guest blog while she is on her fabulous journey abroad. I live in Los Angeles (in the Hollywood Hills) to be exact, am not a professional designer but after over two years of blogging about interior design 3-6 times a week, I might be what would be considered a "designaholic" (Can you do that? Just add "aholic" to any word to indicate someone is obsessed with something? Hmmm...please let me know...)
Anyhoooooo...onto my goes.
Was at the Rosebowl Flea Market in Pasadena, CA a few weekends back. Hadn't been to this flea market in about 10 years. It was time. My plan was to get up at 6:00a on Sunday, be at the market by 7:00a, get all of the design scoop with my Cococozy camera and find some great items all by 9a. By 10a, the plan was that I would be home to take dog for a walk (I never take dog for a walk so don't know how this got into the planned schedule but it was) and perhaps be at a breakfast with some friends in Los Angeles by 11:30a. Well...I made it to the flea market by much for keeping to schedule.
The Rose Bowl Flea Market was packed. Throngs of people trying to find the most interesting items possible. So much to many interesting finds...
With thousands and thousands of items on display, one might think it would be hard to make sense of things...but if you can believe it, in all of that, I did notice a few recurring trends.
Love these orange wire nesting tables. They were my favorite of the day! I could so see them in my house. Too bad they were at the beginning of our journey through the flea market so I never got back to them.
Orange...whether originally orange or painted has been an "it" color for the last few years in decor...and it is certainly a hit color at the flea market.
For no reason at all, I also coveted this orange metal coffee pot from a vendor from Sweden. He wanted $30 for it...I wanted to pay $10. He said "30", I said "10"...he said "Okay $30" and I said "I can pay "10"...and it went on and on. Clearly the deal never worked out!
Lots of these amber, blue or green colored pendant lights. They were reasonably priced. Couldn't seem to get out of the vendors whether they were newly made or recycled pieces. I think they are newly made though to look like 70's kitsch. I had an eye on the small amber one on the left. Thought it would look good in a hallway (not my hallway...but some hallway). The vendor wanted $75...I would have paid $35. Again, no deal.
Lots of bronze crane statues. Don't know what this was about but I saw at least 4 vendors selling tall bronze statues of these birds. One vendor said he got them from the furniture sale of a Las Vegas hotel that was closing. These particular ones were going for $125 each.
Saw a million and half vintage Dietz lanterns (kerosene lanterns and railroad lanterns). Cleaned up they could be great at an outdoor living space or if really shined up, even inside in a bay window. I wanted to pay $4...the lady wanted to sell three of them for $20 (they were marked $28 each). No deal there either. Hmmmm....note to self...need to work on negotiating skills.
We ran into so many metal and vinyl chairs. They looked like they were ripped right out of the 1950's and placed at the flea market in 2010.
I particularly liked the light yellow set of chairs. I can't remember how much these were...but since my price point was at about $10, I knew I wouldn't be able to afford.
Well that is it from my day of trend sight seeing at the Rose Bowl Flea Market. I definitely regret not getting the orange nesting tables...but other than that, I am happy with how the day went. I left pretty much empty handed with only a dish and four glasses that altogether cost me a total of $18. I enjoyed the day...browsing, dickering and flea market trendspotting.
Ashley, hope you have a great rest of your vacation. Office Furniture readers please stop by COCOCOZY for more fun design finds!
Thanks Coco, and thanks so much to everyone for stopping by even though my posting has been so spuradic!