First of all, I am pretty giddy today. I woke up this morning, looked at one of my favorite blogs, Centsational Girl and guess what was there. A post about me.
This is not a surprise to me, but it was still very exciting to see it there. Kate has an awesome blog and impeccable taste. Her posts are a daily read for me. Thanks so much for the feature, Kate! It's truly an honor.
I shared some of my flea market finds in my last post and I wanted to share a few more things that I've picked up on my trip.
Can you believe I bought these at Anthropologie? It may not be a revelation to any of you ladies who live near a decent mall, but Anthropologie carries antiques in addition to all of the other cool stuff it sells. I had never been in their store before and I thoroughly enjoyed it. There were so many unique pieces and eye-catching displays.
Most things were too expensive for an awesome antique metal chair for $480, but I did buy two antique zinc cups for $8.00/each....
(Don't you just love the rust and patina on these?)
...and a Japanese scrub brush. It looks like the handle broke off or something, but it was only $1.95 and I thought the texture was very cool.
I'm not sure where I'm going to use it, yet, but I rarely do.
Make sure you check out my interview over at Centsational Girl and you may learn some things about me that you didn't know...

By the way, the winners of the Shaklee Giveaway are...
Lisalulu, Four Flights, mama donk aubri jo, Michelle, wichiepoo, Chris, Becky Jean, Benn's Wife, freckled landry, and Haley. Whew! Congrats, everyone. You're going to enjoy it.